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belonging personal brand Apr 17, 2023

People ask me what the “AHAs” are from the work I do with people navigating change. 

The biggest one is the realization that a deep, personal fear is lurking in the background for all of us.

It is not just the fear that you may lose your job because of the disruptions...

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3 Resources to Help You Be Unflinchingly Yourself

“I want to be able to unflinchingly introduce myself and what I do.”


Whoa. That word has stuck with me ever since that conversation.

I picture a superhero, cape flapping behind in the wind, loudly proclaiming “I am here to serve you!” 

Except in...

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What's the Worst Career Advice You Ever Had?

career Apr 03, 2023

“Don’t be trapped in someone else’s dream.” ~KimTaehyung, BTS

Much of my time last month was spent in noisy freudenfreude - a new term I learned that means celebrating the successes of others. 

A recent panel was a wonderful example of three very diverse characters...

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Building a Strategic Network: Diversity = Value

Building networks of trust is one of the key pillars of Future Proof. I’m particularly interested in how it is changing as the pandemic shifted things to virtual or distributed work and as blockchain reformulates the way we organize work (I wrote an article on DAOs here if...

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Three Ways Companies Can Build Networks of Trust

I believe that the future of work is all about trusted networks. 

In the past, our problems were complicated and hard to solve but we could develop systems and processes. 

Six sigma or TQM, or Kaizen in Japan were all put in place to make things more efficient. So too was the org chart,...

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The Future of Work is Networks of Trust

I read a recent article about the rapid growth of Austin Texas and was struck by how important talent networks played a part in its rise to prominence. 

In 1983, ex-CIA Admiral Bob Inman was head of the US government’s Microelectronics and Computer Consortium, a group of 20 of...

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How ChatGPT will Change Your Personal Brand

ai future of work Feb 20, 2023

Is it just me or do you feel like 2023 has been the year of the mass-market Krispy Kreme version of AI? 

It’s not a terrible thing, considering I, for one, am not really ready for the filet mignon or matsutake steak version of it.

A few weeks ago, I heard from Kai-Fu Lee that...

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Five Top Sources for Future Trends


Here is an annotated list of my five favorite sources* (newsletters, podcasts) you can read for content and context on the future, particularly the future of work.

  1. Amy Webb / Future Today Institute -  Amy Webb is a data-driven American futurist with a global view and her Future Today...
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How to Keep Up With Future Trends

future of work trends Feb 06, 2023

How do you keep up with all the latest future trends? 

It's a common question. 

Part of it is that it's my job so I prioritize and invest in it.

I don't have to manage a hundred people, make decisions on compensation policies or do performance reviews. We are a small SWAT team of people...

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Knowing Your Value in Times of Uncertainty

future of work motivation Jan 23, 2023


In times of uncertainty like the last two years and likely more excitement in years to come, what can you do to have that sense of deliberate calm and confidence?


Here are 3 things we learn in the Future Proof course that you might find useful.


1. Reflect and ground in your...

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